Integration Seminar for the 4 New Territories of LOT3
On Friday, January 26, the integration seminar for the four new and final territories of the LIFE_LETsGO4Climate project “Daring the Transition” was held in Orléans.
- La Communauté de communes Touraine Ouest Val de Loire (37)
- La Communauté de communes Touraine Vallée de l’Indre (37)
- La Communauté de communes Val de Cher Controis (41)
- La Communauté de communes Argenton-Eguzon- Vallée de la Creuse (36)
Throughout the day, mission officers, directors, and elected officials were able to exchange ideas with partners from the Centre-Val de Loire Region, ADEME, Énergie Partagée, GRDF, ENEDIS, about their expectations and uncertainties regarding the LIFE_LETsGO4Climate project, “Daring the Transition.” Here’s a look back at this day filled with insightful exchanges!
Jérémie GODET (Vice President for Climate, Ecological and Social Transformation of Public Policies, Energy Transition, Social Economy, and Associative Life) and Mohamed AMJAHDI (Regional Director of ADEME Centre-Val de Loire) welcomed the new territories with opening speeches.

The goal of this day was to promote exchanges and mutual understanding among stakeholders from the concerned communities. It helped participants better understand the different stages of the project in its entirety and to work together on the first stage of the project, the territorial diagnostic.
For this, the project team from the Centre-Val de Loire Region, ADEME, and Energie Partagée prepared a collaborative and dynamic program, experimenting with a framework based on collective intelligence techniques.
Participants tested their knowledge of the project through a collaborative game specifically created around the chronology of the LIFE_LETsGO4Climate project.

The Négawatt Institute, which is supporting the project team on the “awareness-raising” aspect, then introduced and presented “Carbon Conversations.” The “Carbon Conversations” are an awareness-raising tool for a more sustainable lifestyle. The idea is to face the climate challenge in daily life without going crazy and while still enjoying it.

In the afternoon, the territories began to reflect on the content of communication materials, such as the banner that will be used at future events in their territories.

They also started developing their territorial diagnostics during a workshop. Representatives from the territories listed the local actors involved in energy transition and potential future partners to be mobilized in the framework of the project. The diagnostic will be further completed and serve as the “identity card” of the territory and its local context.

At the end of the seminar, participants were invited to give their “Gems/Gravel” during a roundtable, meaning both positive and negative feedback on the day.
Find the video of the integration seminar on this Facebook post: