Focus on the 4 workshops devoted to the energy transition at Tours Métropole

Friday, 23 September 2022

As a member of your local citizens’ panel, you will be taking part in four workshops. During this series of citizens’ workshops, you will be able to collectively devise actions to promote more sustainable energy consumption and production.

Each workshop will last 2h30. Workshops 1, 3 and 4 will take place indoors on a weekday evening. Workshop 2 will take place on Saturday morning, both indoors and in the field, with several site visits.

Workshop 1 “Our territory”

Workshop 1 will be an opportunity for you to meet and get to know the other participants. We’ll tell you more about the workshop cycle, the issues involved and the opportunities it could represent for you.

A large part of the workshop will be devoted to discussions in small groups on the notion of energy transition and on the initiatives that already exist locally to contribute to this transition.

This first workshop is a stepping stone for the rest of the process. It will enable you to share your observations and start thinking together about the solutions that exist to change the way we consume energy.

Workshop 2 “Transition in concrete terms”

This workshop will be an opportunity for you to discover concrete examples of actions that contribute to the energy transition, through testimonials from local residents.

The first part of the workshop will take place indoors. A group of local residents working on a renewable energy project will tell their story, describing the opportunities and difficulties involved.

For the second part of the workshop, you will again be able to choose between the “energy sobriety” and “energy production” aspects, depending on your preference.

In the case of low-energy consumption, a number of associations or groups will come and talk to participants about a project they have carried out, such as cycling or food-waste initiatives.

For energy production, several visits to production sites will be on offer. On the programme: photovoltaics, methanisation and wood-fired heating.

Workshop 3 “From observation to action”

During this third workshop, you will be asked to choose between “energy sobriety” and “renewable energy production”.

Focus groups will be organised on each of these themes. Their aim: firstly, to draw up an overview of what is possible to act on as a group of citizens… Then, to prioritise actions according to what is, in the eyes of the groups, the most relevant and realistic. But also, and above all, those they most want to get involved in. Prioritised actions will be re-explored in Workshop 4.

Workshop 4 “Our transition”

During this workshop, the priority actions in favour of the energy transition that emerged during Workshop 3 will be the subject of a further period of collective reflection.

In groups, you will be invited to plan the practical implementation of one of these actions: what is the intention, what support is needed, what are the next steps and meetings?

Everyone will be free to get involved in the group of their choice, depending on the action that motivates and inspires them most. The strength of the workshop cycle lies in the fact that it is only the first step towards taking real collective action, based on your ideas.

Parental authorisation to be completed and signed for minors to take part in the workshops:
Parental authorisation printable version
Parental authorisation digital version